Vintage MXR Block & Script Logo Power/Play 9V Battery Adapters: Never Drill Again
Posted by Andrew Backover on
Greetings, tone seekers. I know it has been a while but I appreciate all of the visitors to the site over the past five years. This site is a hobby for me, a mediocre guitar player at best, so I don't get to spend as much time here as I would like. Over the years, this blog article (Script versus Block Logo Debate) has been by far the most visited content on the site as vintage guitar pedal lovers all over the world continue to debate over MXR Script versus Block Logo pedals -- which have gone way up...
Vintage MXR Pedal Debate: Script versus Block logos
Posted by Andrew Backover on
If you are into vintage, classic guitar pedals, chances are you have run into the debate over "Script" versus "Block" MXR pedals. MXR, of course, is the legendary maker of an array of high-quality pedals behind a lot of great music and artists in the 1970s and early ‘80s. Randy Rhoads (Distortion +), Jerry Garcia (Distortion +, Phase 100, Analog Delay), Jimmy Page (Phase 90), Eddie Van Halen (Phase 90), David Gilmour (Phase 90), and the list goes on. You get the picture. While the MXR brand is still around and quite relevant, like many pedal companies over the past...
What your gear says about you: Humbucker edition
Posted by Andrew Backover on
- Tags: Epiphone, Gibson, Les Paul, Sheraton
That good ole Mu-Tron magic
Posted by Andrew Backover on
There are certain products and designs that are so radical, innovative and revolutionary -- providing a step change in performance and quality -- that it becomes clear to the consumer and the world at large that they are witnessing something special and unique. An idea so futuristic that it is easy to imagine it leaving the past behind and standing the test of time. Maybe people had that reaction when they saw the first Airstream trailer, or Mercedes Gullwing, or the first laptop computer. I’m only guessing but I am betting that might have been the case with the first...
My Pet Peavey....
Posted by Andrew Backover on
Peavey Delta Blues....Great amp. Great value. In 1997, I strolled into a Pawn Shop in Arlington, Texas – halfway between Dallas and Fort Worth. I was on my fairly regular pawnshop tour. Not to make myself sound outdated, but that was back when you could almost always find cool guitar stuff in good, old-fashioned pawnshops. That’s much harder to do today, in my personal opinion, due to the proliferation of numerous online marketplaces. Back to the First Cash Pawn, which was unremarkable in its fluorescent-bulb-infused pallor. The store had a Peavey Delta Blues tube amp for sale. It was tweed,...